My Picture Marco Turchi 
Research Interests


about me

I'm the head of the Human Language Technology Machine Translation group at  Fondazione Bruno Kessler.

I got my Phd at the University of Siena, Italy, on "Computer Engineering, adaptive information processing". During my Phd studies, I was visiting student at the University of California Davis, Statistical Department, and intern at the Yahoo Research Lab

Before moving to the FBK, I have had the pleasure of working for the European Commission Joint Research Centre, IPSC, Optima action in Ispra, Italy. Previously, I have been Research Assistant at the University of Bristol, Department of Engineering Mathematics, Pattern Analysis and Intelligent Systems group. Between the American and English positions, I had a temporary research contract at the Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE).

You can find a list of my research topics here and my extended cv here.

Where AM I?

Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Human Language Technology Group

Povo - Via Sommarive 18
I-38123 Trento

Why .com?

I bought the wrong domain name :-)

Hot Topic:
- Neural Machine Translation

- Speech Translation
- Machine Translation

- Online Learning

- Automatic Post-Editing

- Hybrid SMT System

- Quality Estimation

- Terminology


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