My Picture Marco Turchi
Software and Applications
Research Interests


Marco turchi

computing Skills


  • Programming Languages: Java, C++, python 
  • Technical Languages: Matlab
  • Operating System: Linux
  • Database: mySql

Basic Knowledge:

  • Programming Languages: Ansi c, Pascal, html, Perl
  • Technical Languages: scipy
  • Operating System: Windows

Excellent user's experience of the following application software:

  • Ms-Office, OpenOffice, StarOffice 
  • Java search engine: Apache Lucene
  • General Architecture for Text Engineering: Gate 
  • Weka 
  • Apache Cayenne
  • Statistical Machine Translation toolkit Moses
  • LingPipe

my aPPlication

Some of my codes or scripts  are running behind the following web sites:

- NAPE: NAPE (Neural Automatic Post-editing Tool) is an attention-based encoder-decoder model for performing continuous learning from human feedback for machine translation and automatic post-editing.

- AQET: AQET (Adaptive Quality Estimation Tool) is an open-source package for performing Quality Estimation for Machine Translation able to continuously learn from post-edited sentences.

- ONTS: "Optima" News Translation System translates daily news from 11 languages into English. It has been embedded in the Europe Media Monitor family of applications.

- Found in Translation: On line language model updating. Every day language model is updated using thousands of English news.

- Election Watch: Named Entity extractor based on Gate and different string similarity measures.

my Software And Corpus

- BinQe: is a collection of binary Quality Estimation datasets for different language pairs, where the labels have been automatically produced.

- JEX: JRC Eurovoc Indexer is multi-label classification software that automatically assigns a ranked list of the over six thousand descriptors (classes) from the controlled vocabulary of the EuroVoc thesaurus to new texts.

- Multilingual summary evaluation data: manually annotated collection of document clusters of parallel texts in seven languages (Arabic, Czech, English, French, German, Russian and Spanish) that can be used to evaluate multi-document, or even single document, summarisation software. ( download here )

- Java HMM implementation

- C++ Inverted Index


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